Soft and cuddly, will seduce your feet.
The story of Lasso Shoes is a recent one yet brilliant in its conception. In 2010, the founder and creator of Lasso shoes, Gaspard went to london to pursue his studies at the royal College of art. Tired to walk bare-foot, he cut a spare piece of felt and sewed it with his sneaker laces: the very first pair of lasso slippers was born! He focused on creating an ideal prototype to serve to his friend. 164 prototypes later the shape was perfected and the comfort optimized. When he returned to Paris, he offered a Lasso pair to his friend Ruben. After experimenting with the concept and sewing in the laces, Ruben thought this was a thrilling idea and joined the project with Gaspard. After long lasting interactions, coffees, pints, sewing and experimenting with the materials Lasso shoes has been established into a young, social and conscientious brand. Lasso is using the finest felt and cotton materials sourced from France and Italy, in Charentes the historical slippers region, and thanks to you always assembled worldwide.